Bilasuvar district

Bilasuvar district


Bilasuvar district is one of the regions with rich history of Azerbaijan. According to historian Hamdullah Kazvili, Bilasuvar attacked Pilassuvar, the Emir of Buvei in the sixteenth century, and the city also took its name from him. Bilasuvar town, which suffered from decline as a result of XIV century feudal fractures, was divided into two parts according to the Turkmenchay Treaty in 1828 . The population of the Russian Empire was relocated to Russian settlements and other areas 20 to 40 km beyond the boundary of the Russian Empire in 1914 , when the Russian Empire was unobstructed. As a result, the settlement of Pushkin, inhabited by a population moved from Russia , was organized in Bilesuvar region in the 1930s . 1938Bilasuvar was renamed Pushkin region. In 1963, its territory was merged with the Jalilabad region, and in 1964 it was again an independent region. After the collapse of the USSR, its name was renamed to Bilasuvar on February 7, 1991 

Researcher Sabir Nasiroglu quotes historic sources in his book entitled “The Secrets of the Magic Land” in a shortened historical monograph and in the sounds of “The Sounds of Al-Hussein”, saying that in Mugan, the Khazars, Massagets, In addition to the tribes, billiards and watercolors also lived. It concludes that Bilasuvar means the place where the two tribes – balloons and heroes – gathered heroically in front of the enemy. Later, the author notes that the toponym of the “horse-drawn troops and crosses” corresponds to Bilasuvar’s toponymy.

According to another version, the territory has received its name from the combination of words “such”, “water”, “var”. Indigenous people also prefer this version. I am proud of you as your native town Bilasuvar

Geographical position 

The territory of the Bilasuvar district occupies the south-western and southern parts of the Mughan Plain . The territory is 53 km north from Imishli district, 23 km north-west from Saatli district, 20 km from Sabirabad district, 23 km from east to Salyan region, 4 km to Neftchala district, 54 km to south from Jalilabad district.

Bilasuvar international customs point is located in the district. The territory of the district is 1358 sq km. History studies indicate that Bilasuvar River, known as the present Bulgarian river passing through the Bilasuvar region, has been renamed several names. In the territory of Bilesuvar this river – Shabbatchay, Adnabazarchay, Baylar River, Shirinsu, Galap river and others. they called it. But in the official maps, this river name is always referred to as the Bulgarian River.


The most common animal species in the region are monsters, foxes, gray rabbits, wild boars and jackals, birds poplar, pheasants, pigeons, poultry, etc. there are. Basically chestnut and light chestnut soils are widespread. Some of them are a small amount of shale soils.




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