Cultural Attractions Archives - Ulduz Tourism, Azerbaijan - Türkiye Tour Operator

Azerbaijani carpet

Azerbaijani carpet Since ancient times, Azerbaijan has been known as a center of a large variety of crafts. The archeological dig on the territory of Azerbaijan […]


KATEX AGAINST AZERBAIJAN’S KATEX AGAINST AZERBAIJAN’S KADIM YUSHANIŞ CASES Baku, February 27 ( AZERTAC ). Katex village of Balakan region is one of the ancient settlements […]

Taza Pir Mosque

Taza Pir Mosque (also Tazapir, Teze Pir, Teze-Pir, Tezepir) is a mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. Its construction began in 1905 and finished by 1914. The idea […]

Khan Garden

Khan Garden This historical monument related to the Ziyadkhanli family is a park frequently visited by residents of Ganja and guests of the city. It is […]

Qiz Qalasi Art Gallery

Qiz Qalasi Art Gallery The Qiz Qalasi Gallery was founded on 19 of March, 1999. People’s artist of Azerbaijan, professor Salhab Mammadov opened the gallery in […]

National Library of Azerbaijan

National Library of Azerbaijan From the history of the National Library named after M.F.Akhundov Azerbaijan National Library is one of the largest and famous national libraries […]

International Mugham Center of Azerbaijan

International Mugham Center of Azerbaijan The International Mugham Center of Azerbaijan is a center of Azerbaijani arts and music aiming to promote, preserve and popularize the […]

Azerbaijan State Philarmonic Hall

Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall The Magomayev Azerbaijan State Philarmonic Hall (Azerbaijani: Maqomayev adına Azərbaycan Dövlət Filarmoniyası), located in Baku, is the main concert hall in Azerbaijan […]

Mosque of Ajdarbey

Mosque of Ajdarbey History Ajdarbey Mosque was built in Baku in the beginning of the last century by philanthropist Ajdar bey Ashurbeyov in 1912-1913 is one […]