Dashkesan district - Ulduz Tourism, Azerbaijan - Türkiye Tour Operator

Dashkesan district


The Dashkasan district of the former Sunghurabad region is located in the territory of the Azerbaijan SSR 30.08. It was created as administrative territory in 1930 . The city of Dashkesan was founded on March 16, 1948 following the Great Patriotic War. The region is mainly connected with the commissioning of iron ore deposits. After that, the flow of population to the region has been intensified. But more Armenians were settled in the region. Thousands of Armenian families were relocated to Dashkesen in 1948-1953, organized by the Armenians of Moscow , Anastas Mikoyan .1956 , it was named after the Dseifur district, and in 1956 it was called Dashkesen. 1963and was renamed to Khanlar District in that province , and in 1965 it was again an independent administrative district. During the Karabakh war , part of the battles went on the border with the villages belonging to Dashkesan. Armenians claim to Dashkesan as many territories of Azerbaijan, where they fabricate false facts about the Albanian temples belonging to Armenians and try to promote that this is an ancient Armenian land.

Archaeological excavations conducted in Zagalli, Zivilan, Bayan, Kurubulaq, Amirvar, Khoshbulag, Zagalli, Dardara and other villages prove the existence of stone settlements in this region. 

In January 2010, as a result of the bloody incident in the Defense Ministry’s N military unit in the Dashkasan district, six servicemen of the Azerbaijani Army were killed and two more were wounded. Officials say the two men were killed and later killed. However, the relatives of the killed servicemen and independent military experts said that this version was fabricated and that the incident was committed by the Armenians.

Geographical position 

Dashkasan district is located 33-41 km south-west of Ganja city, 1600-1800 meters above sea level in the north-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus.

The region borders with the Republic of Armenia (8 km), 8 km south-west , and Shamkir (24.5 km), Kalbajar (23 km), Gadabay (41 km) and Goygol (56.3 km) districts. The total area is 1046.02 km². The distance between Dashkasan and Baku is 396 km.


Dashkasan city

The surface of Dashkesa, located in the north-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus, is surrounded by mountains that descend to the north. The slopes of Murovdag and Shahdagh ridges are also the territory of this region. The highest peaks are Hinaldağ (3367 m.), Mount Koshgar (3361 m) and so on.

Part of Bashkend-Dizafur depression is in the territory of Dashkesen district. Surface with canyons cut. Jurassic and chalk sediment spread.


Houses in the village of Bayan in Dashkasan district

Clean air, abundance of greenery, rich fauna, forest massifs along the Murovdag Range attract summer lovers to Dashkesan. There are artificial lakes in the region of Khoshbulag and Goygol .

There is a unique soil-vegetation cover and animal kingdom, with the temperature and moisture content of Dashkasan.

The broad-leaved mountain-forest landscape is surrounded by slopes ranging from 600 to 1900 meters. The highlands of the mountains are completed with oak woods. Subalpine and alpine meadows are located on the upper border of the forests. These meadows are like a thousand colors in summer.

Subalp meadows and meadows occupy a large area between the forests and alpine meadows. Here you can find a variety of grassy, ​​different grass, oats. Subalp meadows, legumes , roses , cuticles , raspberries and other herbs, create a tall, highly effective butching grass cover. In the subalp zone, grassy grasses and grassy grasses have also developed, except for grassy meadows.

Alpine meadows are different from subalpine meadows, with their herbaceous herbs, called Alpine shrubs. These plants form a dense grass cover on mountainous meadows. Rare, thin plant groups develop on rocky slopes. Cereals and cypresses are densely populated summer pastures on smooth mountain slopes. On the more humid slopes of the high mountains, the grazing paste with Alpine, Chestnut, Reed, Growing, Crushed, Lame, and other rooted system creates “Alpine shales”.

Dashkasan is rich in mountainous terrain, which is located in the north-eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus and is surrounded by deserted mountains. It is rich in mountainous rivers, partly dwindling in the winter, falling in spring and summer and autumn. Of these, Goy-Gol ( Zivlən village), Ganjachay ( Chanagchi – Dastafur villages), Balıcallı (Garagollar), Shamkirchay ( Astaf village), Goshgarachay ( Khoshbulag kəndi Dashkesen city ) would be tea.

Zivlen and Astaf villages, which are characteristic for tourism , have two lakes, the same name – Lake-lake, which has a very picturesque nature. There are thick and sparse forests that give Rayon a special beauty. The forests are mainly beech , hornbeam , oak , poplar , willow , ash , qozqara (elm), toləkə and gorməsov trees grow.

In the district there are important healing medicines that are of special importance to human health. Of these, thyme , gulxətimi , Ittai , Sarıçiçek , chamomile , yarrow , boyxos , valerian , qaraciyələm , qaracorək , mint , dasyarpızı , coltsfoot , Immortelle , lilac , meadow , yolotu (polygonum), cincilim qantəpər , sehdərən , mountain violet, Violets , daffodils , lilpar , unnuca , nettle , buttercup and others. local population.

The climate 

The temperature in Dashkasan is from -5 C to -20 C in the winter and from +20 C to +35 C in summer. The average annual air temperature in the region is 0-100. The average monthly temperature of January is -2-140, the average monthly temperature in July is + 5-200.

In summer, sometimes the absolute maximum air temperature rises to + 20-310, the absolute minimum temperature drops to 20-300. The average absolute minimum air temperature during the year varies from +50 to +70 in the middle mountain range. The average annual temperature of the soil surface is + 80, the average January temperature is -50, the average monthly temperature of July is 210.

The average annual relative humidity of the air is 75 percent and varies between 67-82 percent per year. The annual rainfall in the area is 600-900 mm. Most of the rainfall falls into the spring. It is possible to evaporate 300-800 mm from the surface of the soil over a year.

Large residential areas

There are 1 city, 6 urban-type settlements and 42 villages in Dashkasan. Administrative center is Dashkasan city .

Economic characteristics 

Dashkesan is one of the most important ore mining industry in the Republic. The major part of the region’s industry is the metallurgical industry. Useful minerals include iron ore, cobalt, alunite, marble, limestone, etc. At present, reserves of 3 iron ore deposits are confirmed in the country. These are Dashkesan, South Dashkesan and Demir deposits in the Dashkasan region. The operation of the “Chovdar” gold deposit in the territory of Dashkasan region (Small Caucasus mountain range) is scheduled for 2012. Det.Al Limited, a company investing in the production of iron ore in the region, is investing in the Dashkesen Orezsaflashma OJSC. After the steelmaking plant of the newly built Aluminum Plant in Ganja, the annual production capacity of Dashkesan Ore Processing Plant will be increased to 500,000, and then up to 1 million tons. “Dashkesen Gypsumaflizing” OJSC is the exclusive owner of iron ore deposits in Dashkesan, owner of the plant of gravel and ore-dressing. Discovered iron ore reserves are over 250 million tons.  District is also agricultureregion. Agricultural activity is mainly livestock, plant growing, beekeeping and poultry. Larger horned caramel and small hornblende are stored in livestock breeding. Animals are mainly stored in individual farms. There are 59 peasants (farms, which operate as legal entities), and Agbaba family operates as a peasant farm in the village of Gushchu, where there are mostly brown Caucasian, Caucasian, Black-White and Hallavey breeds. and artificial insemination in Gagtepe, Amirvar and Gushchu villages in three areas to improve animal composition.


Dashkesan is rich in natural resources. In the Soviet Union, ironic ore, aluminum , cobalt , marble , etc. were strategically important in Dashkasan . removed. In the mountains of the district , there are many valuable natural resources, such as gold , copper , cobalt , zey , aluminum , iron ore, limestone and marble. 

The presence of iron ore deposits in Dashkasan already known to people living here in the 1st century BC. However, the industrial production of the ore started in 1954. The iron content in iron is 36.5%. In some places, the ore contains up to 20% sulfur . The 4 km long wing was built to transport the ore from the iron ore deposit. In Soviet times, the ore extracted from the Georgia of the Rustavimetallurgical plant as a raw material moved. After gaining independence, Azerbaijan’s largest metallurgical plant Ganjed was built. Currently, the ore produced in Dashkasan is used to cover the needs of Azerbaijan. 

The material and cultural heritage

In the village of Tapan, in the village of Tapan, in the village of Turshsu, in the village of Agakhullar White spring, in the Zeylik village, in the marble railway bridges and crossings, Chilchiravend Temple, Monastery, Gushkar river bridge, Gurbulag village Dikdash, Erkinaz saga, Zaghali Ancient Albanian temple in the village of Zeylik, tomb of Ahmedli village, Çalağan siege in Dardara village, Ancient bridge over Ganja river in Dizafur village, Alban temple covering 700 square meters and so on. historical and natural monuments met with respect, admiration and admiration in the regions of the region today.

“Koshbulag plain” is famous for its “Dashtepe” saga, the “Shepherd’s Stone”, “Molla Abdulla Bulagy” fortress, the iron-era “Nagara Mountain” of the Bronze Age. Located at an altitude of 3361 meters above sea level, today it located at the foot of Mount Koshgar, which is known as Qibla, known as the sacred hinge. In the Amirvar village, the picturesque corner of the “Yastı Qaya” is surrounded by dense woods on all sides. “Lezgi Rock”, “Black Cow” cave, “Yal yurdu” sledgehammer, “Goycheliler yuragi” sleeve, “Dardar” fortress is famous in the region.

The Pre-Caspian zone is also very important for tourism. Thus, the historic architectural monument of republican significance as the Albanian temple with 800 m² area , the Gallinaya natural monument located 5 km from the village of Gabaktape, the picturesque corner of Shamkir River , 12 km from Kabaktapa , this area, famous for pure water, pure water, It’s like the taste of the guests. The world famous Gagtepe grass bee is related to this land, the name of this region. Located on the mountains, this village surrounded by forests from the west. There are many historic bridges, settlements, historical and natural monuments in the district center of Gaghtepe. 



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