Julfa region – Azerbaijan , Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is a part of the administrative-territorial unit. Administrative center is the city of Julfa .
The district is located in the east from the autonomous republic center. Julfa is also bordered by Babak in the west, Shahbuz in the north-west , and Ordubad in the east.
History and etymology
Historian Şerafettin Ali Yazdi writes in his work “Zafarna” that Julfa is located in the Nakhchivan land, where Araz River crosses the lake . Here is the famous Ziya-ul-property bridge.
The ancient city of Julfa has ruled somewhere from its present location. Ancient Culfa, located on the caravan route along the Araz River , played an important role in regulating the region’s economy at that time. Ancient Culfa is now 4 km west of the city of Julfa . During the study, the remains of residential buildings, fortress walls, caravanserais, market and religious buildings, including ancient cemeteries were discovered. During the archeological excavations carried out in Julfa in 1939-1940, monochrome and polychrome painted clay vessels, bronze daggers, arrows and spearheads, towels, bracelets, necklaces, etc. was found.
In 1727, the area of Julfa was composed of several times.
Julfa was established as an administrative district on August 8, 1930. In 1930, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic included Shahbuz , Sharur , Nakhchivan , Julfa , Abragunis and Ordubadadministrative regions. In 1948, Abragunis was abolished and Ordubad districts in 1963 were abolished and the territory was part of the Gulf region. In 1965 the Ordubad district was reorganized and separated from Julfa.
It is likely that the name “Julfa” refers to the name of the merchant organization in the Middle Ages. The name of Culfa is also called “Culag” in some sources. Other considerations about the name of the city, “Julfa,” have been developed in various variants. Some say that this word means “weaver”, and that the word “Cula”, “Culha”, “Culh”, “Culha” in various sources is phonetically altered and “Culfa”. Historical sources also indicate that in this city, we were already engaged in weaving. This means that Julfa is a crossroads of important trade links between the East and the West, as well as various production areas.
The lands of the district are mainly mountainous-meadow, mountain-forest, mountain-chestnut, brown, gray and grassy gray soils. Culfa is widely spread in mountainous, forestry, subalpine and alpine meadows.
The jungle mountain forests (oak, pistachio, hornbeam, etc.) are widely spread. Julfa mountains mouflon , mountain goat , bear , wolf , fox , gray rabbit , ular , partridge and others. as well as fauna representatives.
The main rivers in Djulfah are Alinja , Garadara and Araz. In addition, in the district, the Treasury, Lakatatu, Kolasu, Teyvaz and other rivers flow.