Khizi District

Khizi District

At the distance of 104 km from Baku is located a mountainous region with mild and dry climate called Khizi. Here is one of the main natural attractions of the area – the legendary mountain Beshbarmag. Named so because because of its unusual shape resembling a stone hand menacingly raised over the ancient caravan route. At the top among the teeth of the rocks are the ruins of the sanctuary “Hyzirzinde” (eternally living Hizir). Any traveler knowsthis place because itcan’t be avoided while driving on the road leading from the capital to the north. And tourists enjoy admiring the forbidding rock. You can exit the car, warm up after a long journey, drink tea, eat barbeque or boiled corn in season. Those interested can visit the mosque here. There are many historical monuments in the area. Beshbarmag tower built in the middle of VIII century is located at the distance of9kmfrom the center of the district. same, less, rather, while, yet, opposite, much as, either


The ruins of an ancient city of V century are at the distance of 8 km and Mausoleum of Sheikh Heydar is located in Alashirin village in 5 km from the center of the district. In Khizi district is located the one of the most beautiful parts of Azerbaijan – Altiagach Reserve, also called “Jannat Bagi” – “The Garden of Eden”. Forests cover 90% of the territory of the reserve, actually it ws founded to prevent erosion in the south-eastern slopes of the Great Caucasus and for conservation of rare species of animals and plants. There is also a small zoo for the tourists which represents the fauna of the reserve. In this zoo live as neighbors brown bears, deer, mountain goats, swans, monkeys and even pure-bred dogs.

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