Ordubad region
Ordubad, one of the most beautiful corners of Azerbaijan, is part of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic . in the north and east, Armenia, bordering the west of Julfa region and the neighboring area of 972 square kilometers of Ordubad region, population 43200 people.
The administrative center of the district – Ordubad is the third important city of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for its importance. Ordubad is a city of gardens, flowers, flowers, nightingales and singing. The Ordubad city, located 850 meters above sea level on the Ordubadchay coast, is famous for its 12th century.
There are many opinions about the origins of Ordubad. Some consider it to be “army” and “honey” // “pat” (or aba). Meaning means “army place.” According to sources, this toponim at different times, orbad, urdubad, orduvad, etc. was named. Researcher Ali Hussein states that this place was previously called “Ordubad” and means “Bey’s Tower”. “Bey tower” grew up and became a city. Some claim that Ordubad was formed during the Mongolian period. The fact that the historian Sebeos in the 7th century also mentions the city of Ordobad in the territory of Nakhchivan shows that it is more ancient.
The exact date when the Ordubad was settled was not determined. However, this territory is considered to be one of the oldest human settlements in the world. For the first time in the name of Ordubad coincides with the five centuries written sources. Mount Gamigaya, one of the most sacred pantheons of the ancient world, is Ordubad. Images on the mountain and places of interest here in the territory of Ordubad. It allows people to follow the lifestyle of the ancient people living in the 7th-1 millennium BC and their cultural development paths. One of Ordubadm settlements, Sabirkand, Plovdag and Kharaba, There are living places and necropolis rich with the cultural remains of the II-I millennium.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, thousands of Ordubad residents, who were victims of the Armenian terror, were rescued by the Turkish army, led by Musa Kazim Karabekir Pasha from Turkiye.
The magnificent nature of Ordubad, the mysterious world and its natural beauty surprised a number of travelers who traveled here in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Russian scientist I. Chopin, the Polish researcher A.Petzold, the French writer Ä.Dima and others have admired this beauty in their writings and expressed admiration in Ordubad.
From the Kapikig mountain, which is considered to be the highest peak of the Small Caucasus Mountain, its head is covered with snow, cold weather, May mountains, “Shikh Dormity”, “Qurban yurdu” and “Salabun”, and the ice flowing into our rivers, such as cool fountains, cheers, pure mountain air, abundant fruit gardens, cropping areas extending to the eye, architectural monuments built in the ancient Oriental style, industrious people, talented intellectuals, charming, beautiful daughters, brave guys, hospitable, pure hearted, clean lovers Ordubad, who had come here historically, was fascinated by its guests and visitors. The poetry is sprawling rocks, old rocks, walnut trees, sparkling fountains, long-term “south” mountains,
Ordubad’s herd, shaft has no equal in the world. Abutalibe, almond, beetroot, lime, apricot, white apricot, honey, half apricot, peach, spicy, lilac, hulu, salamu, honey, sweaty, noble, hairy peach, peach peach and so on.
Ordubad is also known for its natural beauty, gur arrays, fountains, beautiful nature, as well as quality silk. Ordubad late writer Aliqulu Farajov called Ordubadi the silk cradle of Azerbaijan.
Ordubad is one of the oldest human settlements in the world and one of the foundations of humanity. Gamigaya is located in the Ordubad district – north-east of Tivi and Nasirvaz villages. This mountain, which is covered with white clouds and snow, is clearly visible everywhere in Nakhchivan. Gamigaya, created in the miraculous form of nature, resembles a gigantic ship floating from a distance to a deep breeze on a blue background. Who knows, perhaps the older generations have called the Gapigaya summit (the highest point in Nakhchivan AR – 3904 m), according to such a similarity.
Ordubad was declared a reserve city in 1977, preserving the Middle Ages. Garabagh city covers the main streets of the city starting from the intersection of Nizami Street and Fuzuli Street. When we look at the history of this city, we see that the city is home to five major zones:
- 1. “Ambaras” (Ibrahim Abilov and Babek streets)
- 2. “Küratal” (Akbar Aghayev and M.Fuzuli streets)
- 3. “Stop” (Triple Street)
- 4. “Mingis” (Umbul-Leyla and present Mingis Streets)
- 5. “Starshar” (Gaffar Babayev and Dede Gorgud streets
In addition, there are relatively small neighborhoods in these zones: “Karachanag”, “Dilbar”, “Antagon”, “Garakhovuz head”, “Asgarhan”, “Varsan”, “Körpubasi”, “Baylar”, “Meyrəmçə”, “Peçi” “Plain”, “Goshgar”, “Musa Tass”.
Ordubad district has 41 secondary schools, 4 nineteen years old, 5 incomplete secondary schools and 5 additional non-formal educational institutions. There is a technical vocational school in the district. The streets of Ordubad were rounded around the center of the city. At the main highway connecting the railway station with the center of the city, administrative buildings, main trade and cultural and catering facilities are located.
Architectural style of Ordubad’s dwelling houses is not found in any of the other zones of Azerbaijan. The plan of houses, selected by special lines and reflecting traditions of the population, is very colorful and unique.
When you look at history, it turns out that in Ordubad, there were more than 100 fountains, brownies. Indigenous people use the Dübendizi River to water the land from the center of the city and drink the water from these fountains. In general, fountains in Ordubad have always been regarded as sacred. Currently, 34 fountains are used in the city. All fountains have been damaged by underground roads. The location of the fountains at the depth of 3-10 m from the Earth’s surface in Urubad, availability of sanitation facilities in the city, baths are facts that confirm the cultural level.
Ordubad is an area rich with ancient history and archaeological monuments. Here are the finds of “Kharaba Gilan”, II and I millennium BC, BC “Ship Gaya” ensemble of the III century, medieval castle cave, XIV century monuments “Mingis”, “Came” mosques, XVII century monument “Caesaria” – Zorzha, XVIII century “Sardar”, ” Move Up “mosques, Ordubad Bath of the 19th Century and others. monuments are a reminder of the history of our great past.
The Ordubad city has an octagonal dome “Caesarea” (“Zorxana”), an ancient building of the 17th century, and ancient madrasah buildings. Some researchers consider the date 1714 as the date of restoration, not the construction of it. “Buzhan”, Courtyard square, Pir Eyvaz Tomb (XVIII) also shows the city’s cultural life is very rich.
The Juma mosque in the center of the city of Ordubad, as well as an ancient architectural monument of 7,000 people, is now amazed by the city’s guests. It was noted that it was built in 1275. However, the words “III-Historical-Hijri-Rashid” on a bricet found in 1903 when the mosque was repaired increases its age by 500 years. The text of the special decree issued by Shah Abbas in 1607 on the board stamped on the entrance to the mosque. The decree states: “The Ordubad people are industrious, brutal and business people, and for the continuation of the generations of Nassiri Tusi, the population of this settlement is exempt from all taxes.” According to researchers, there are several graves in front of the Juma Mosque. Here is the tomb of one of the grandchildren of Tusin, the daughter of Mirza Unayat Nasirli Tusi. It is written in Arabic in its headstone:
Juma mosque in Vanand village of Ordubad also deserves attention as an ancient monument. The mosque was erected in 1324-1325 and was restored by Mohammed Reza in 1737. There are 3 museums in Ordubad:
- 1. MS Ordubadi’s home museum – was created in 1972 and has more than 700 exhibits.
- 2. Academician Y.Mammadaliyev’s home museum – was founded in 1975 and has 1800 exhibits.
- 3.Ordubad Regional History and Ethnography Museum – was founded in December 1980 and has about 3500 exhibits and fragments.
The presence of numerous graves in the graves of the Galiktala neighborhood cemetery, as well as the existence of zeniths dating to 2000, enriches the series of facts that tells about its ancient history, including the Melik Ibrahim tomb in Ordubad, the Afghan Fortress, Babak Fortress, Shah Mount, Cahartac monuments.
Handicraft, rugs, carpets, jackals, sackcloths, silkworms are the best proof of the hard work of Ordubad residents. Ordubad has also developed carving, gangs, and crockery. An Arab traveler, who had been in this city, wrote, “Ordubad tree trimmings and network samples were the best products in the foreign market.”
At present, two of the three large cemeteries in Ordubad are being demolished and other facilities are being built, while the Maliki Ibrahim cemetery is located in the foothills of the Black Mountain, close to the upper part of the city, covering 2 hectares. There is a mosque building and a large cemetery extending southward.
The last Wednesday in Ordubad, a so-called “seven things,” is a ritual that a person who has been hit by a city may think that military paralysis has fallen. Poppers, fireworks, played folk performances are everywhere. The people who come to the center from all the villages of the district say the same day, laugh, rejoice, share the joys together. Women prepare seven kinds of dishes at home, revealing all their possibilities for plenty of holiday packages. Men in the dining room are looking for desert shelter for the party. On these highlands, Ilkhir, on the streets, all the mountains on the rocks that do not even come up in the daytime. It is not wrong to say that the slopes were competing in the exercise of this skill. The most interesting of the holiday, It is impossible not to forget the memory of the events, the door pusmah. The young girls are intent on doing that night. They pray in the future for the realization of their wishes.
The tents in the tents are celebrated under the rugs on the roofs, in the houses at the barbecue, in the gardens where the trees begin fresh shoots. Sweeteners, desserts, baklava, kogel are baked, red eggs are dyed, marmalade is prepared, syrups are distributed. During these three days celebrating Novruz in Ordubad, the population chooses “Khan”. The most interesting events are also going on later. The khan is surrounded by the court officials. Khan, who has been in charge of these days during his tenure, signs decree for the handling of impossibles. If something happens suddenly to laugh at these processes, he will be punished by the servants and immediately be dismissed from the throne. The feast is played three days and three nights with the participation of Kose and Kecel. Tribal elders sit behind the table full of beautiful meals all day. Those who move from Earth are remembered. Everyone who comes to congratulate them is blessed with their blessings.
The Ordubad land was distinguished not only by its mysterious beauty, but also by famous people, artisans and world-renowned scholars. The descendants of the famous astronomer, scientist, mathematician, poet, statesman Nasireddin Tusi Mohammed ibn Hase are currently living in Ordubad. Hatem Bey Ordubadi , a prominent statesman, poet, was the prime minister of Shah Abbas, belonged to Tusi’s family. A few-volume book about the grammar of Arabic language in the nineteenth century Najaf city, Mohammed Ali Kalawi Ordubadi, is well-known throughout the East.
Red diplomat Ibrahim Abilov, who served as Ordubad’s land, was a close friend of Mustafa Kemal Pasha Ataturk during his tenure in Turkiye . I.Abilov, who died in Turkiye in 1923, conquered MKAtatürk and dropped it onto the Turkish flag and sent him to Azerbaijan with the Turkish soldier. General Novruz Rizaev, who is one more Ordubad land, received his first education in Ordubad. Mammad Said Ordubadi , one of the founders of the Roman genre, is famous for the names of ordinary scholars such as Yusif Mammadaliyev , world-renowned scientist, who made extensive discoveries in the field of chemistry, and rendered invaluable services in the development of the military industry in the 1941-1945 war .
The Ordubadians’ field of science has been great. More than 365 scholars from Ordubad, including academician Muzaffar Abutalibov , academician Rahim Rahimov , professor Musa Rustamov , Alikulu Farajov , Nasib Mammadov , correspondent member of ANAS professor Sabit Kerimov , Alikulu Agalarov , academician Ismayil Ibrahimov , academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences , Adil Agalarov , Sevda Mammadaliyeva , Azer Shamsaddin , Professor Bahadur Bakhshiyev , Habib Mammadaliyev ,Rudim Abutalibov , a well-known orientalist – Malik Mahmudov , Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibey) , Aliyar Safarli , Mehri Mammadova , chemistry – Gudrat Akhundov , Imran Mehdiyev , Professor Chingiz Rahimov , Nazim Rustamov , Nurmammad Rahimov , Ogtay Farajov , Abulfaz Gasimov , candidate of sciences Dilshad Yusifova , people’s artist Firuza Alikhanova and Kazim Ziya , writer, journalist Avaz Sadiq ,Dragon Khanbabayev , writer Akram , the first Turkologist Farhad Zeynalov , philologist, Professor Tagi Xalisbəyli , honored teacher Akbar charm , orientalist, PhD Bahruz Salehov and in general, more than 150 doctors, professors, more than 220 candidates of sciences and Ordubad scholars, who have a scientific name of foreign universities, are proud of Azerbaijan. Ordubadians are industrious in other fields, especially as they work seriously with science.