Shirvan city - Ulduz Tourism, Azerbaijan - Türkiye Tour Operator

Shirvan city

Shirvan city

Shirvan ( by Ali-Bayramli till 2008 ) is a city ​​in Azerbaijan . Shirvan was called Zubovka until 1938 , and the township of 1938 – 1954 received the status of city-subordinated city on July 28, 1954 .  It is a city subordinated to the Republic since January 4, 1963. Its territory is 30 sq. M. km, population is 73.7 thousand people, population density is 1 sq. km. There are 2457 people on the km. The city also includes Hajigahramanli and Bayramli settlements. 98.5% of the urban population is Azerbaijanis and the rest are Russian, Ukrainians, Tatars, Turks and other peoples. Shirvan is the island of Light, the city of light in Azerbaijan. The width of the streets, along the sidewalks, reduces the heat of the city. Archaeological finds around the city bring about the idea of ​​existence in these places to the early human ages.

Geographical position 

It is located on the left bank of Kura river, in the Shirvan plain, at the junction and is considered one of the largest cities of our country. Hajigahramanli and Bayramli settlements are the administrative units of Shirvan city.


The music school of the city of Shirvan has done a lot of valuable work in the field of music education, music education of children and young people, cultural services to people. The Shirvan children’s music school has been serving music and cultural progress not only for the city but also for the entire 40 years of its existence, and the school has a moral right to all kinds of praise.



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