Basqal village is located in İsmayilly district in the north of Azerbaijan Republic.
Basqal was on the way of the Silk Road in the early centuries, that’s why it gained popularity as one of the centers of crafts and silk culture in the Middle Ages.
Besides Azerbaijanis representatives of other nations and ethnic groups living in the area: Lezgins, Russians (malakans), Jews, lahyıch, hapyts, the descendants of ancient Albans.
Basqal is also famous for kelaghayi. Kelaghayi is a four-cornered shawl woven from floss thread and worn by the Azerbaijani woven. It is also called “chargat” in the western regions of our country. Besides being a symvol of chastity, respect and devotion, it also preserves the ancient history, culture and traditions of Land of Fires – Azerbaijan.Kelaghayi has been making in Azerbaijan since ancient times. High quality kelaghayis were made in Tebriz. Ganja, Shamakhi, Sheki and Nakhchivan cities. Although this shawl were made in many regions, Kelaghayi was widely used in Basgal settlement.
The travelers and diplomats such as A.Oleari, A.Jenkinson, E.Chelebi, A.Duma, F.Kotov visiting Azerbaijan in different years mentioned kelaghayi in their works. As is known, in the 1870 Baskal kelaghayi was awarded silver medal at the exhibition launched in London.
In Azerbaijan kelaghayi did not only praise the women beauty. It also could considered the foundation of the new family. The woman presenting her kelaghayi to man promised to be devoted to her love forever. Or upon getting consent from the girl’s family the guests from the guy’s side presented a wedding ring wrapped up a red kelaghayi. Besides, during the henna ceremony the bride was worn a red kelaghayi and her hands and foots were hennaed. With regard to the role ogf kelaghayi at the wedding ceremony we could add that the bridegroom and his friends standing on the left and right sides were given kelaghayis. Even the most valuable thing in the khoncha of the women was kelaghayi. This traditions is still continued in some regions of Azerbaijan.
Sometimes when a man passes away he is covered with a black kelaghayi. It continues even till burial ceremony. It means that kelaghayi has been accompanying the Azerbaijan people for all their lives. This shawl also survives peaceful mission. During the conflict arisen from different reasons the people ceased fight when kelaghayi was thrown by a woman.
Research by: Ulduz Tourism
1 Comment
So beautiful !