

Ilandag – Azerbaijan , Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, of the Julfa district of the mountain. Its height is 2415 meters. Volcanic origin. Andesite-dacite rocks. The slopes are sloppy. Xerophyte has bushy and dry desert landscapes.

Mountain on the left bank of Alfinchay , 6 km east of the village of Kýrna , in the territory of Julfa district (mountain 2415.8 m). 

Zangezur from the south – west, leaving Damirlidagh – Goydag   arm edge.

Alinjachay of the left bank, Kirna village, 5 km east of the summit. 

The area of ​​its foundation is the relief form of the oval peak in the form of oval peaks, reaching 3 km², with a relative elevation of 1000 m, magnificent, slopes with steep slopes. 

The average Eocene in Barton’s floor belongs to the diorite that breaks down the sedimentary rocks of the Middle Paradash halfand the altitude formed by the subcognized intrusion of the Lower Miocene, with quartz diorite-porphyric composition. 

Tectonically Ordubad is located in the Paradash segment of the blast zone , in the nuclear part of the Hawking-Dudlin sinklinal, which is followed by the south-west wing of the same bending. 


The name of the mountain, “settlements, towns, people,” the Turkish word meaning year / handheld and the old Turkish worshiping, Annu ‘s name came from a combination of the “God’s dwelling” means. 

There are two more names of the summit: one of them is İnandag, ie “Mount Inam” and the other is Haçadag.

That is, it is called “a twisted mountain” .

Indicating that the summit consisted of two parts combined with a narrow beak . 

HAÇADAG – Another name used among the Ilandağ population in the Julfa district

According to the legend of the Sumerian origin, Noah’s Ark was so strongly touched upon the summit of Ilandag,

When he set out from Gamigaya to the Mount of Agri, that the mountain was coiled. Perhaps the name of the mountain is related to this legend


According to an ancient legend of Sumerian origin, the Noah ‘s Ark was wound up on the road to the top of a mountain except Gamigaya on the way.

And when it hit it, Noah said: “Believe, it is the mountain.” 

The researchers associate the name of Ilandag with this legend. Later, the word İnandag came to shape in the form of Ilandag (Elandagh) in folk thinking. 

It is also called Hacadag because of the shape of the summit.


It is possible to climb three or four lanes to the summit. Kırna and Şurud villages, where the remnants of the trails are available. This defensive rifle with the stones in the mountain all slopes has reached a collapsed state because all of no stiffening solution between the stones. The rocks on the right side of the building are 300-500 meters above the wall. There were traces of 10 to 12 square meters (probably the homeowners’ homeownership) on the inner side of the fortified wall. The wall is a layer in the north and center and three times in the south.

At the peak of the mountain, the wall – damage of the cyclopic buildings (height 10 – 15 m) was found in seven places. There is a thick clay layer between the two crosses at the summit. The ruins of pottery from the middle ages were found inside the cellar. Researchers have come to the conclusion that Ilanag is used as an ancient observation station. The upcoming danger was reported to Alinja castle through the burnt hole here, and from there to Chalkanqala and Shapurqala . 

Ilandag housing

İlandağ settlement is a medieval settlement surrounded by steep cliffs on the northern slope of Ilandag , north – east of Galvillage of Julfa region . Among the local population, this monument is called ” Nabi Tower “ . The monument to the 1991 – research work was carried out in the exploration.

The surrounding area is surrounded by walls built of mud. The thickness of the cultural layer varies from 0.5 m to 1 m. Surface materials are mainly made of clay dishes (pink pitchers, bowls). Itlandage is believed to belong to the XI-XVIII centuries.

Ilandag cuneiform inscription

Found in Ilandag 820 – 810 – years in the ancient cuneiform summer, I belong to the Urartu period. During the reading of cuneiform script Ilandag the Urartu kings Ispuini and his son and Minu state of their time together in the Nakhchivan all region had marched. The article mentions the three cities (the country) and gives information about the sacrifice of the Urartian gods for the sake of victory . The first information about this discovery was published in the Italian magazine in 1989 .

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