Kaspi Yeddi Gozal Hotel

Kaspi Yeddi Gozal Hotel is a 3-star hotel located in Vandam settlement, a short distance from Qabala. The hotel, operating since 2013, was built in a modern style. The hotel’s restaurant and bar are available 24 hours a day. Also, during the hot summer months, pavilions in the courtyard of the hotel are used, and suitable conditions are created for guests to have a picnic. In addition, the hotel is located close to the main sightseeing places of the Gabala district with its charming nature, including Nohur lake and Yeddi Gozel waterfall, so it is an ideal place for those who want to travel to their heart’s content along with comfortable rest.


Hotel services

  • Internet
  • Spa and wellness center
  • Restaurant/bar
  • Daily hotel services

Hotel name: Kaspi Yeddi Gozal Hotel 

Star: 3*

City: Qabala

Address: Vandam A315, Garamaryam-Ismayilli-Sheki road, Gabala


You can contact the specified phone numbers, in case you have question or request.
Tel: +994-12-3100482      Mob / WP: +994-55-8824921        Social  networks Addresses:  

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