Over the past three months, Azerbaijan’s tourism opportunities have been presented at 232 international online events

On the online training platform launched by the Azerbaijan Tourism Board in May, the Azerbaijan Tourism Board continues to maintain and expand awareness of Azerbaijan and promote tourism opportunities of the country through online webinars and meetings in target and other countries in a virtual format.

During July, 9 webinars and 68 online meetings were held with tourism partners in foreign markets.

More than 249 participants attended the webinars with representatives of tourism companies representing target markets.

Online meetings were held with tour operators and tourism companies from the Middle East, India, China, Russia, Belarus, the UAE, South Korea, Israel, Germany and Ukraine. Dozens of discussions were held on the changes in the tourism industry in the post-pandemic period, forms of sanitation and hygiene, new trends in world tourism.

1212 people from more than 50 countries in Europe, the Middle East, the CIS and South Asia used the online learning platform “E-learning” about Azerbaijan (elearning.tourismboard.az). They received training on general information about Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani nature, Azerbaijani wedding destinations, wine tours, German heritage, Jewish heritage, medical tourism products, gastronomy, as well as regional tourism opportunities and gained the status of “Azerbaijani tourism expert”.

In addition, two online FAM trips were organized for more than 55 tourism representatives from target market countries.

In total, 56 webinars and 176 online meetings were held with tourism partners in foreign markets in May, June and July, which were attended by more than 2,000 participants. About 2,000 people from more than 50 countries used the online learning platform “E-learning” about Azerbaijan (elearning.tourismboard.az).

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