Lerik District - Ulduz Tourism, Azerbaijan - Türkiye Tour Operator

Lerik District


The territory of Lerik region is one of the oldest settlements. From the ancient times, primitive people used the natural caves, now existing as a dwelling place in the foothills of the mountains. Some of these natural caves are likely to belong even to the Bronze Age. The outstanding archaeologist Hummel relates these caves to the period of Neolithic (New Stone Age). There are material and cultural monuments of III-II millennium BC before our era.

Geographical position 

The relief

The territory of the Lerik region is surrounded by Talysh mountain range. Yardimli in the south and southwest, Lenkoran in the north-east, Masalli in the north-west, and Astara in the south-east. The Talysh mountain range along the border with extends beyond the Pestasar and Bouravar mountain ranges in the north. The Zuvand (Diabar) depression is located between the Talysh and Buddhist ridges. The highest peaks are the Kösyrgoy (2492 m) and Qizyurd (2433 m) in the Talysh Range. It mainly consists of volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of pallogene.


Lerik’s vegetation mainly consists of bushy and sparse woody meadows and mountain forests. In the forests, oak, hawthorn, peanut, walnut, iron, are reduced (nil) clusters.

The fox, the jackal, the wolf, the bear, the boar, the duck, the rabbit, the forest cat, the sulcus, the thyme, the thorax, the quail and so on in the forests and on the banks of the Lerik River. animals, inaccessible forests, leopard in the mountains.

Zuvand State Reserve (Reserve) is located in the Zuvand area of ​​the district. Studying the Fauna and Flora of the Botanical Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences operating here. The area has 40.3 thousand hectares of forest cover.

56 km of Lankaran-Lerik highway number along the tourism, leisure and entertainment centers have been built. “Relax”, “Smile”, “Woodman”, “Aggol”, “Paradis” and other centers of this kind of tourism facilities. Here are cats, rest homes, entertainment centers, restaurants and bars, and sports facilities. Tourism facilities, more than 600 people, including “Relax” by more than 400 guests at the center of tourism and recreation entertainment for the reception conditions.

The climate 

In Autumn, there are frequent rains in Lerik, and it is difficult to walk in rural areas. The mild hot semi-desert and dry desert climate of the summer is also above the warm temperate climate. The average temperature is from 1 to -4 degrees C in January and 22-12 in July. Annual rainfall is from 300 mm to 800 mm.

The material and cultural heritage 

Lerik has real estate cultural monuments of state protection. Among them are architectural monuments of local significance 27, archeological monuments 25, monumental and memorial monuments 1, decorative, applied art monuments 78 and so on. There are 1 historical and local lore museum in the city of Lerik, the Museum of Longevity, a drawing gallery.

In the cave found in Lerik, it is believed that the people of the Stone Age are living. There are many historical monuments in the district. Ancient mansion “Gyzyurdu” at the height of 2438 meters above sea level, Baba Jesus tomb in Mondigah village, Pir Yosef mausoleum near Kekonu village, Lerik, Cengemran, in the village of Khanoon, Xoja Seyid mausoleum in Xangegh village (XIV century), Mosque in Lulakaran village (19th century) Jabir Mausoleum on the road to the village (XII-XIV centuries) and so on. Most of the villages have sculptured sculptures of sculpted ram. There is Mausoleum of Khalifa Zechariah near the village of Cangamran. In this village, ancient trees are also protected as historical monuments. Famous French writer Alexander Dumas had traveled through the Lerik forests and traveled to the Hovil village while traveling to the Caucasus. In his works he painted the sketches of this village,

The Boy and Girl castles located in the territory of Lerik were built for the purpose of defense. These fortresses are drawn from the fountain springs by water pipes. The towers of the castles have original architectural structure. According to the legend, it was the site of ancient Albanians. There is a Albanian cemetery here.

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