Grata Hotel

Grata Hotel is located in Zagatala, 211 m from the center. At guests’ service, there is a front desk which works 24/7. The garden beautifies the territory. Guests’ meal is arranged at the restaurant. Please consider you can pay for the accommodation and amenities only in cash.


Hotel services:

  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Room service
  • Restaurant
  • 24/7 service
  • Staff fluent in Turkish, Russian and English languages


Hotel name: Grata Hotel

Star: 3*

City: Zagatala

Address: 100 Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Zagatala, Azerbaijan


You can contact the specified phone numbers, in case you have question or request.
Tel: +994-12-3100482      Mob / WP: +994-55-8824921        Social  networks Addresses:  

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